He asked for feedback; he wanted to know if he might be delusional.
That is always 'delicate' but here goes.
You are definitely
delusional, Frank; welcome to the club. I think you are calling this
one wrong and I am guessing that the reason for this is some kind of
cognitive dissonance. The world is not how you think that it should
be so you refuse to listen when people try and explain it to you. You
are going out of your way to show how it just really 'isn't so'. Yes,
it is so. What you are hearing is not stupid. It is well thought out
philosophy and the truth of this philosophy is there for everyone to
see. It is clear and it is concise and it is correct. Yes, the
Conservatives are correct. The government must stay out of this
'taking care of the people' business or it will destroy the country.
Here is how I know this.
Life is about
proving oneself, it is how evolution works, the strongest survive.
Any thing short of that compromises the very species. You become
strong and prove yourself or … well, you are part of the problem.
If you end up dying? Well, that is God's will. This is how it works,
period. This was beaten (literally sometimes) into their heads by the
time that they were 3 yrs old.
"Prove to
daddy that you are strong and independent. It is how it must be and I
must teach you to understand this, it is important. No, we will not
pick you up just because you want us to. You may cry and scream in
your crib if you like. We will not be manipulated like this and we
will not allow you to get away with that All babies/people are
naturally manipulative. We can see the results of spoiling the
children and this will not happen in our house. You have been changed
and fed and now it is time to go to sleep, period. It may be painful
but you will learn the rules. You MUST learn to be strong and take
care of yourself, it is my personal responsibility to make you
strong. I am taking my responsibilites seriously, you should too. I
love you too much to let you fail. We do not tolerate spoiled
children in this household. Scream in you crib all you like but you
are going to learn that other people are not here to take care of
whatever whim you have. Scream all night if you want, we are not
going to give you what you want. We are not going to help you."
If the parents
were successful the child has learned by about 3 yrs of age that he
cannot count on anyone but himself when he has a need for something.
Yes, his parents will feed and change him but that is it. When they
want to play, they will play, when he wants to play, well they don't
want to spoil him. This is how people are. How can you possible
dispute this Frank? Even this 3 yr old has figured it out. He will be
strong and he will be independent. He knows the rules. You want
something? Well you do it yourself, whatever it takes, whatever it
takes. I am giving nothing away for free, now, go cry in your crib. I
will not be manipulated by your stupid emotional games. You want to
give me something for free? Cool, I'll take it but I will loose
respect for you. What are you some kind of Liberal with 'emotions'
and stuff? No, I will not do the same for you, I don't believe in
spoiling people.
Yes, many of the
most vociferous are those that are on or have been on the 'take' at
some point. They are deeply ashamed of this. To offset this proof
that they themselves are or were not worthy and to pay for their sins
they must push even harder against the 'injustice', against their
sin. They double down to teach their children even more fervently the
lesson. They do not want their children to be failures, as they
were/are. And so it goes.
There is no logic
in the world, there is no factual basis in the world that will get
these people to change the way they think about this. Why? Because
this is indeed how the world works for them, their dad showed them
and they are going to demonstrate this to their children, work or
starve, yes, they will withholds food and yes they will be beaten. If
violence is necessary to teach the child, so be it; it is that
important. The children, like them, will find examples of this
throughtout their lives, hundreds and thousands of examples. There
are lots and lots of people like this and they band together, they
know what the rules are, the rules are self evident. Liberals ! What
a bunch of namby pambies. Hey, it is just business.
You liberal
fantasy world pretty boys, intellectual with all this 'education' and
as smart as you think you are can't see this? Pretty silly, if you
ask me. No, we will not let you run the show, you live in a fantasy
land and you will destroy us all. Survival of the fittest, no free
lunch. These are the laws of our species; these are the laws of God.
Any idiot can see that.Work or die, be strong, no free lunch, We will
not allow it, We will actively stop you from rewarding people that do
not deserve it. I will not let you destroy us, we know how things
work, you do not. Heck, even one of your own 'smarty pants' guys said
this, Darwin. You don't even listen to your own people. Jeesh, and
you want us to let you run the country? Are you nuts? I get to keep
what I worked for, just try and take if from me you lazy son of a
bitch. What about freedom is it that you don't understand? When I was a kid, I had some asshole telling me what I could and could not do, well I am not a kid anymore and I'll be damned if I am going to lets to ruler think he can be my daddy. At least my dad taught me how things are and taught me discipline. He taught me to be strong. He showed me how the world works.
"Obama care",
the ACA, propagates;weakness and steals from people. In addition, the
people that will get stuff for free are the weak and lazy and we do
not want to be a part of the destruction of the species. No, keep the
'government' out of this business of helping people that have not
proved themselves, it will destroy us. It is a law of nature. It is
harsh but that is just the way it is. There is no free lunch and
there should not be any free lunch; it would violate the law of
nature. We are the strong, we are surviving, we are not weak. If I
mess up well, I will pay the price. I would not not deserve to
survive. The government needs to stay out of this entirely. They are
inefficient and encourage the weak to survive and they do this by
stealing the money that I worked hard to get.. Frankly it is against
the most fundamental law of nature. Work, be strong, or die. Hey, it
is not my rule, it is God's rule. It is natures rule. There is no
free lunch. Yeah, yeah, I know it hurts but we ain't in the business
of spoiling people, lie in your crib and cry and scream all you like,
we are not going to spoil you. It is the only way you can learn to be
strong, like me.
Obama is evil;he
goes against the laws of nature actively and with forethought. This
is the very definition of evil. Some of the Liberals know this as
well and they are evil too. The rest are sheep and incapable of
thinking for themselves or even seeing the world for what it
obviously is. Why does he actually want to destroy? Because that is
the job of Satan. That is just the way it is. I can show you
thousands of examples of people bent on destruction for destructions
sake, just to hurt people. That is what evil is.
The argument is
correct, the evidence is there for;everyone;to see. It is even
written in our oldest books. It is knowledge that has persisted for
countless thousands of years. It has withstood the test of time and
all the forces that have been pitted against it; it is correct. Keep
the government out of our healthcare, we don't need them 'taking care
of us'. We can do it just fine by ourselves. We don't need some
'daddy' to rule over us and frankly we don't even like the asshole.
But he did teach us how the world is. You liberals just want 'daddy'
to cater to your every whim. Well, fuck you. We are the strong, you
are the weak. You are one of the poor dupes that cannot see that the
world is harsh and therefore so must we be, to survive, no we do not
want to give away anything for free; it would be a sin.You are wrong.
You are indeed 'delusional'. Go back to your crib and cry all you
want, we are not going to help you. That is not how it works. We are not weak, we are strong and you liberals are going to wreck everything and make us weak.